Sunday, March 30, 2008


By: Judy Blume

In this book the story tells about a girl named Deenie who is known as the prettiest girl in her school and everyone thinks that she should and will become a model. Things were going ok for her just like any regular teenagers life until she is told that she has to were a brace from her neck to her hips. When she saw the brace she screamed and yelled "I don't want to wear that...". Deenie who never worried about her looks and who was such a beautiful girl now never wanted to go to school again. She worried about what she would look like, what everyone would think of her, and how she would ever get through this. At the end of the book everything ended fine and Deenie finally learned to deal with the brace.

This was a good book and I would recomend it to others.

By: chocolate girl

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