Monday, September 29, 2008

What do you think?

For this month's blog, I would like you to "comment" on the following question. For the reading "contest" do you think we should have an individual winner (person who reads the most pages) as well as a class winner (class that reads the most pages)? Also, for the "dare," what are some things that we might ask Mrs. Nishikawa to do? (Mrs. Nishikawa said that if we read "so many" pages, she would take a dare in front of the whole school -- anything but shaving her head! :0)


Anonymous said...

This is a test.....

Chinese Girl said...

I think this is a very good idea. I would love to compete against other people and other classess.

koda koda said...

I think we should just have a individual winner or in groups of like 4 or 3 because I know some classes would be unresponsive.

Kealohalani said...

I think that we should dress Mrs. Nishikawa in the most ugliest outfit in the world then make her run with the P.E students and then make her say, " 8th graders get free dress, and they are the most behave students in the world of all world."

Anonymous said...

I think we should make her hair purpple

Anonymous said...

I think that we should have a class winner for the reading contests because then most of the people in Ka Lama Ku are in 8th grade. So then mostly every body wins! I think that we should dare Mrs. Nishikawa to give us a day off a school for all members of the middle school team (including teachers:]) If that would be the dare then Mrs.Nishikawa would want to do that dare because she would get a day off school too. ;)

japanese girl said...

i think getting everyone to read "so many" pages is great! then, we can be evil and make mrs.nishikawa do something wierd and humiliating!!!

japanese girl said...
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Anonymous said...

i think we should have a class winner instead of a individual winner. and for the dare i think that mrs nishikawa should besides telling everyone that the eight graders ROCK she should also give us a day off!

Anonymous said...

i am not realy sure what we should do but i am sure others will have gr8 ideas.

Anonymous said...

I think we should make Mrs. Nishikawa cross-dress into a boy and act like a nerd at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Yes, i think that there should be only one winner and a class winner.

I think that we should dare Mrs. Nichikawa to give students a week off from school for being "such good students" !!! :]

Anonymous said...

Yes I want to see one individual winner and a class win.

I want to dare Mrs. Nishikawa to do the ocho ocho in a clown suit before oli in front of everyone and say 2013 is the best.

Anonymous said...

I think that we should do a class winner because 8th grade rocks and we will probably win.... knock on wood... I think that we should make Mrs. Nishikawa die her hair Pink and have her dress like a Punk Rocker (Dress in mostly dark colors, with dark makeup) for a whole day! And say the 8th grade rocks her socks!!!!;D

Anonymous said...

I think there should be a group that wins. I would dare Mrs. nishikawa to where the school uniform and tell everybody they have free dress.

Book_worm705 said...

I think that this is a great idea. I think that we should also make Mrs. Nishikawa run the mile with PE. Also she would have to go to all of our classes for a week including the homework!!!!!

Kanoe said...

i think we should have a class winner so that mostly all of the Ka Lamaku members would win.

Anonymous said...

I think we should have an individual winner. This is a good way to motivate more people to read.

Anonymous said...

I know that reading that many pages will be a challenge for some readers but knowing that others will take the challenge to heart and really try to achieve the goal and try to pick up the slack. Idon't really know anything eles to say or any other great ideas. But i'm sure that the others will have great ideas.

kristin said...
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