Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Last Dog on Earth

The disease P.O.S. (pronounced paws) has spread through the whole state of Oregon. It is a disease that dogs and humans can get, the disease is totally fatal. Because of its effects, many people are going around shooting, stabbing and killing any dog they see in their sight. The effects of P.O.S. (Or Psychotic Outburst Syndrome) on dogs is, at first, the dogs become very weak, motionless, and frail. Then, right before it's last moments the dog becomes psychotic and deranged, chasing after the closest living creature and either scratching, biting, or even killing it. This is how the disease gets passed on, especially to humans. Now, in the state of Oregon, the disease has started to move through out different towns wiping out dogs, and humans. Logan Moore, a 13 year old, who hates almost everything, especially his stepfather who wants to control him, is given a dog to take care of.  So this is the journey of Logan and his dog, Jack. After blowing up a microwave at a nearby store because the owner had let his dog out to chase after Jack, Logan gets sent to this Blue Mountain Camp for Boys. After a couple days at camp without Jack, Logan runs away. In the forest Logan finds Jack who, after being locked up in Logan's basement for many days dug her way out, found him forty miles from home. Then Logan was at the Police Station for shoplifting because he and Jack had no food. Meanwhile Jack was attacked by a people who thought she had had P.O.S. When Logan runs away from the station he finds Jack torn up and almost dead. With Logan reuniting with his father, he and Jack are soon sent to Portland University to be researched. Read the end of this book by Daniel Ehrenhaft and find out the ending. Its very sad.

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